Choice & Presence
Working with the nervous system is very powerful. Knowing how to attend to the nervous system provides access to what the body knows. The...
Seasonal junctures can be riddled with pitfalls as our body and psyche fluctuate to adapt to changing conditions and seasonal rules....
A Yogic Approach to Your Inner Critic
The internal dialog of self criticism can be brutal. It can be LOUD, and drown out other thoughts. Maybe it served some kind of...
The Satisfaction Cycle
"I need to relax but I can't." We are not always capable of taking the steps toward what we know is important for our wellbeing. We all...
Inner Medicine for Self Care
As a graduate student in Mental Health, my instructors are always asking the group "What are you doing for self-care?" Most would agree...
Re-Membering the Body's Wisdom, the Earth's Wisdom
Mystic traditions tell us that our time this planet is sacred. In the time we inhabit these bodies, we have the power for expansive...
The Art and Necessity of a Good Story
I love to learn, and most of what I read is nonfiction, often research based articles and books related to the many threads of knowledge...
Anahata Chakra and Heart Rate Variability
We are now in the heart of the fleeting summer season, immersed in the effulgence of the green world and the glorious scents and colors...
Summer is the Season of Pitta
As the wheel of the year moves into deep summer days, we enter the predominance of the fire element, the season of pitta in Ayurvedic...
Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing, and Interpersonal Neurobiology
At the time I am writing this, I have am in the second year of my professional training with the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute,...