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Let the Sun Shine In -Spring Equinox

It's almost the Spring equinox-when our days once again begin to grow brighter and longer. At this time of light and dark balance, the awarness of shifting light patterns reminds me of the Tantric teachings of prakasha and vimarsha, the Light of Consciousness and the Power of Self-Awareness, or reflection of the

light that is our own individual recognition of the light of consciousness in ourselves (click here for a more in depth, scholarly explanation). Christopher Tompkins and Christopher Wallis write, " As we plunge the depths of the ocean of our Awareness, the experience of duality alone fades away and we experience the joyful interconnectivity of all things. Through inner yogic attunement, the reflection (vimarsha), or individual soul-wave, recognizes its that it is a uniquely beautiful expression of the one Source Light of Consciousness. Wouldn't it be amazing to resonate with this feeeling? It is difficult to ignore the lack of clarity in perception of these forces at such seasonal junctures, for some of us. The accumulation of the heavy dullness of winter in the mind and body begs to be dissipated. As we tune into the embodied movement of vital energy through the practice of yoga, these seasonal junctures become great opportunities to release obstacles. There are many cleanses and detoxes, but if you're new to this game, remember that clearing out doesn't have to be all about depriving yourself. Some ideas are: 1. Add more vegetables to your diet. Invite them to every meal. Make them the honored guests. 2. Do a short practice upon arising of deep breathing, some gentle movement. 3. Hydrate like crazy. Fill a jug of water and drink from it throughout the day to be sure of how much you are consuming. 4. Take triphala, an Ayurvedic combination of three herbs, before bed to make elimination more effective. 5. Go outside after dinner. Look at the sky. These are just a few suggestions for add-ons to your day. If you feel like you don't have time for more in your busy life, maybe you approach your seasonal change looking at what to take away.

Reward yourself. Keep in mind that these changes are not forever. Try something for one to three weeks, and you may find that these new shifts gain traction and stick around, at least for a little while.

that it stays with you naturally, at least for a little while.

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